Executive Coaching
Tailored Programmes
What is Executive Coaching?
Coaching is personal, it’s about people. It’s natural for it to touch on beliefs, self-doubt, mindsets, perspectives, values, behaviours and the persons’ life. That’s why how we coach is so important. Our coaches use an approach that works in a relational way and at a psychological level, to address entrenched thoughts, behaviours and emotions holding us back.
Coaching is all about people, and can be a little confronting as well as exciting. In a safe environment it touchs on YOU as a person – and frees up your thinking about yourself and your situation, it helps you to uncover hidden assumptions, beliefs and attitudes, allowing you to see yourself in a fresh way and provide new options for action.
Coaching differs from counselling or mentoring, and works on the basis of asking questions rather than providing the solution, encouraging the Coachee to identify the solution that will work best for them in their situation..
Coaching helps the individual to understand their current competencies, potential barriers to growth, gaining clarity on meaningful goals. Then the individual can identify, define and enact the appropriate actions to reach their objectives.
Outcomes can include:
Development of positive mindsets and skillsets essential in successful leaders
Greater self-awareness, reflection and increased sense of purpose
Enhanced self-confidence
Improved performance and talent retention
Greater resilience and effectiveness
Centred, balanced and authentic leaders
Support towards achieving established performance goals
Supporting the individual from repeating certain unhelpful patterns of behaviour
What can coaching do for me?
Help and support in maximizing your potential
Increased leadership ‘presence’
Support towards achieving established performance goals
As a Leader you seek to drive impact across your business